
劉暁波講演を読む3 [学者]





たしかに未開の国の刑務所はとんでもない場所でしょうけどね。 進んだ米国の刑務所だってろくでもない場所でしょう。とてもマックゥィーンが演じていた「大脱走」や「Getaway」のようなところじゃないでしょうね。おっと「大脱走」はムショじゃなくて収容所だったかな?ただ、米国と我が日本は、年末になると入所希望者が増えると言いますが・・・



それはそれとして、政治犯に対して飴をもって為す、という中国政府の思惑は図に当たったようです。引き合いに出された(Liu Zheng)とやらも、若いんだか中年なんだか初老なんだかわかりませんが、将来においてもかように誠実な人間であり続けるのでしょうか?ね???







この管理体制下では拘留者は尊厳と温情を感じることができますし、刑務所の規則を守る意識も喚起され、囚人間でのいじめも抑制できます。そして、拘留者の生活環境を改善するだけでなく、彼らの刑執行についての現況と意識をも改善しているのです。私は、私の房の担当となった矯正官の(Liu Zheng)と懇意になりましたが、彼の拘留者に対する敬意と気配りは、その仕事のはしばしから感じられ、その言動から染み出し、みなに暖かい感情を与えてくれました。北看において、このような誠実で正直で良心的で暖かい矯正官に出会えたことは、私にとって全く幸運なことでした。


In 2004, the National People’s Congress (NPC) amended the Constitution, writing into the Constitution for the first time that “the state respects and guarantees human rights,” signaling that human rights have already become one of the fundamental principles of China’s rule of law. At the same time, the current regime puts forth the ideas of “putting people first” and “creating a harmonious society,” signaling progress in the CPC’s concept of rule.

I have also been able to feel this progress on the macro level through my own personal experience since my arrest.
Although I continue to maintain that I am innocent and that the charges against me are unconstitutional, during the one plus year since I have lost my freedom, I have been locked up at two different locations and gone through four pretrial police interrogators, three prosecutors, and two judges, but in handling my case, they have not been disrespectful, overstepped time limitations, or tried to force a confession. Their manner has been moderate and reasonable; moreover, they have often shown goodwill. On June 23, I was moved from a location where I was kept under residential surveillance to the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau’s No. 1 Detention Center, known as “Beikan.” During my six months at Beikan, I saw improvements in prison management.

In 1996, I spent time at the old Beikan (located at Banbuqiao). Compared to the old Beikan of more than a decade ago, the present Beikan is a huge improvement, both in terms of the “hardware”— the facilities—and the “software”—the management. In particular, the humane management pioneered by the new Beikan, based on respect for the rights and integrity of detainees, has brought flexible management to bear on every aspect of the behavior of the correctional staff, and has found expression in the “comforting broadcasts,” Repentance magazine, and music before meals, on waking and at bedtime.

This style of management allows detainees to experience a sense of dignity and warmth, and stirs their consciousness in maintaining prison order and opposing the bullies among inmates. Not only has it provided a humane living environment for detainees, it has also greatly improved the environment for their litigation to take place and their state of mind. I’ve had close contact with correctional officer Liu Zheng, who has been in charge of me in my cell, and his respect and care for detainees could be seen in every detail of his work, permeating his every word and deed, and giving one a warm feeling. It was perhaps my good fortune to have gotten to know this sincere, honest, conscientious, and kind correctional officer during my time at Beikan.

It is precisely because of such convictions and personal experience that I firmly believe that China’s political progress will not stop, and I, filled with optimism, look forward to the advent of a future free China. For there is no force that can put an end to the human quest for freedom, and China will in the end become a nation ruled by law, where human rights reign supreme. I also hope that this sort of progress can be reflected in this trial as I await the impartial ruling of the collegial bench—a ruling that will withstand the test of history.


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